Songs for Friday night services can also be found on the Friday link page
You are also welcome to join us in-person

A Temple for All
Congregation Emanu-El Israel (CEI) strives to meet the Jewish needs of our community. We have religious services, educational programs and social activities. Whether you live in a big city, a remote urban area or have some physical issue, CEI can fulfill your religious wishes – regardless of where you live in the country.

Rabbi Lenny Sarko
Our rabbi at CEI.
Click the link to see pictures of a Hebrew Braille Sefer Torah Scroll that was created by the rabbi:
If you would like more information about the braille scrolls please click on the link for Devarim Institute
We also have a home course that teaches Hebrew braille and the Mishkan T’filah Prayerbook as a refreshable braille file – both which are free. Contact Rabbi Lenny for more information.
Click Here to see a list of all the People of the Week we have done. We are up to 172 people.
Upcoming Calendar
Talmud – February 13, Book of Joshua, Chapter 8
Friday Night Service – February 14, Shabbat and Tu B’shvat, 7:30 pm
Monday Feb. 17, 7 pm, Sisterhood Book Discussion, The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams
Friday March 14, Purim and Shabbat, 7:30 pm
Friday March 21, Sisterhood Shabbat, 7:30 pm
Wednesday April 16, Congregational Seder
Welcome to Our Temple
Congregation Emanu-El Israel (CEI) is the center of Jewish activities in central Westmoreland County. CEI is affiliated with the Reform movement under the umbrella of the Union for Reform Judaism whose goals are to strengthen communities that transform the way people connect to Jewish life and to build a more whole, just, and compassionate world. CEI adopts the following goals of the URJ. To practice ‘Audacious Hospitality’, ‘Repairing the World’ and to ‘Invest in the Jewish Future’. However, members familiar with either a Reform or Conservative tradition will find a friendly, comfortable feeling in our Congregation. CEI is the ideal place to renew or strengthen ties with your Jewish identification. CEI supports the traditional family, the non-traditional family and Jewish singles.