CEI WEEKLY 11-22-2024 Congregation Emanu-El Israel 222 N. Main Greensburg, PA 15601
CEI Office email is office@cei-greensburg.org Rabbi Lenny cell phone: 724-963-0789
Services Thursday, 11/28/2024: CEI is closed. Happy Thanksgiving. Friday, 11-29-2024: CEI is closed. No Shabbat Service.
Calendar Wed., Dec. 11: The next Western PA small congregations program “There Is Nothing More Important Than Security” is scheduled for 7:00 pm online with speaker Shawn Brokos, Director of Community Security at the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh. As we see the continual rise in antisemitism, security and safety aren’t just a concern, they are a necessity. This session will provide a current threat briefing, followed by a discussion on what we can do to remain as safe and secure as possible in these challenging times. Click here to register, https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpf-Cppz8uE9AmZPp1vXLxwqMQdfQkY8ns#/registration
Announcements Talmud Class – No class Thursday November 28. Next class Thursday, January 2. Chanukah Menorah Lighters Needed! Volunteers are needed to be responsible for lighting the giant Chanukah Menorah on the front lawn. Lighters are needed for Sat., Dec. 28, Mon., Dec. 30, Tues., Dec. 31 and Wed., Jan. 1. All these lightings are at 5:00 PM. There is a sign-up sheet on the desk in the office or you may contact the office to sign-up to participate. The Western PA Small Congregations Cohort is excited to offer a 6 session online learning experience brought to you by the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning in cooperation with the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh and the Jewish Community Legacy Project. The name of the course is OMG, Can You Believe?! – Big Questions about God and God’s relationship to Humankind. It will be taught by Rabbi Dr. Danny Schiff, Gefsky Jewish Community Foundation Scholar at the Federation. Zoom classes will be taught on Wednesday, from 9:30 am to 10:30 am on April 2, 9, 23, 30 and May 7 and 14. The cost of the course is $100. (Everyone receives a $79 discount!) The course can only accommodate 35 people so it is open on a first-come basis. To register, click on this link. Events | Melton Events. You will see a box for OMG, Can You Believe?!. Click on Description to learn more about the course. Click on Details/Registration to sign up. When you press check out, there is a place to enter a coupon code. When you enter PIT100, you will be eligible for the $100 course price. If you have any questions, need additional information, contact Ilana Schwarcz, Manager of the Melton program at the Federation Email: ischwarcz@jfedpgh.org Et Cetra The GO FOR THE GELT raffle tickets will go out next week. They are $2.50 each or ten for $20 – a small price to pay to win big and support CEI at the same time. A double chai winner ($36) will be chosen for each night of Hanukkah with the first drawing being on December 25 for the first night of Hanukkah. Return the filled in stubs with your payment by noon on December 23, 2024. If you need extra tickets, please contact Bea in the CEI office. HIGH HOLY DAY APPEAL: It is not too late to donate to the High Holy Day Appeal. If you would like to contribute, please send your donation with a note that it is for the H.H. Appeal to C.E.I., 222 North Main Street, Greensburg, PA 15601. Thank you for your generosity. Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 21: 9:30 AM Conversion Service for Kara Kamler. 10:00 AM Naming Service for baby Sophie Gau and for Kara Kamler.
YAHRZEITS Read last Friday, November 22, 2024.