Life Cycles



Lifecycle customs and ceremonies transform life transitions and connect us to each other.  All Jews are treated equally by Jewish tradition when it comes to marking life’s passages. They sanctify the ordinary and celebrate change. Jewish rituals embody our ancestors’ understanding about God, the world, human relationships and the meaning of life.  They connect participants to the Jewish people and its story. In our time, people turn to Jewish ritual, in part, because they want to be connected to the Jewish people and to Jewish history. There is meaning for us in being part of that chain of tradition (shalshelet hakabala). Jewish rituals also provide an opportunity for us to express our hopes.

CEI can provide for all life cycle events – Birth, Baby Namings, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Weddings, Funerals.  If you have questions about any of these please contact the rabbi.  One of the key functions of a synagogue is to support you thru these life cycle events.