Friday Night Services

CEI invites you to participate in our online services.

 Shabbat Friday Night Services begin at 7:30 pm.



CEI is offering the ability to video conference our Shabbat services.  You are welcome to experience our service online at home.  The instructions for logging on is below.  If you have questions please call the office and talk with Rabbi Lenny and he will walk you through how to connect.  You may wish to pick up a prayerbook from the synagogue to assist you.  If so please call the office to make arrangements. 


Steps to join a Friday night service 

  1. Bring up any browser (Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, etc)

2.  In the address line type, hit enter on your keyboard

3.  When the page comes up click on meeting in the upper right corner, then choose join.  Depending on your browser join may also be found on the left of the screen.

4.  Enter the access number 273268293 click the arrow to the right of the number.


If you wish to listen to the service from a cell phone you can call:

+1 (872) 240-3212

Then type in the Access Code: 273268293


You can also access services directly through your computer, tablet or smartphone.   


If you are unsure about how to log in or have questions, please call the CEI office (724) 834-0560.



Songs for Shabbat

March 28, 2025

Click on the song to view the lyrics